In short: If you’re a school administrator (homeschool parent) following your state’s laws, welcome! But if you’re a student trying to order a diploma for yourself, sorry – we can’t help you.
The legitimacy of a diploma depends on where it’s coming from. If you’re the administrator of a legal school or home school, and you’re issuing the diploma to your student(s) in accordance with the laws of your state, it’s a legitimate diploma and we’re happy to create the document for you. The diploma should bear the name of the school (homeschool) you run, not the name of a curriculum or support group you used or participated in.
Cornerstone Graduate Supply, Inc. (DBA Homeschool Diploma) is not a school or an accrediting agency and does not “issue” diplomas, carry out any testing, or verify the information on the diplomas. Rather, we provide printing and graphic arts service to school administrators who wish to issue a diploma. The school (that’s you) provides the signature(s). All claims made on the diploma are the responsibility of the customer.
To preserve the integrity of our business, products, and legitimate customers, we do not sell diplomas directly to students, nor do we sell “replacement,” “novelty” or “honorary” diplomas. We sell diplomas only to those who have the authority to issue them, which includes administrators of established schools, including parents in compliance with the statutes regarding home schooling in their state.
We reserve the right to refuse to do business with those whom we believe are attempting to purchase a diploma for the purpose of deceit. For legitimate customers, we reserve the right to require a different school name on the diploma if the name provided is a third party that issues their own diplomas.